History of WBOA

From humble beginnings and lots of fundraising and community support s the Association began to prosper.  In 2008 the Association was able to plan for the establishment of permanent purpose built premises.

Wide Bay Ostomates Association officially came into being on 6th December 1991.  It was grantd approval and issued with an Appliance Claim and Pharmaceutical Benefits Claim. PRior to this Services for Ostomates were located in Brisbane and Townsville.

In 1991 Noel Dillon, Don Gibson with the support of Stomal Therapists Joan McWatters (Hervey Bay) and Joy Newman (Maryborough) started the process to for another association for Wide Bay/Burnett.

At the same time Pat Pratt, Kerry Ahern and STN Barbara Logan were also working on establishing a local association.

A Steering Committee was formed and these dedicated ostomates and volunteers began fundraising and were able to begin operating from the Bundaberg Base Hospital.  These founding committee members were:

In 1999 the organisation became Incorporated and was registered as a charitable organisation in 2002.

On 28th September 2010 WBOA occupied their new premises which saw the realisation of 15 years when "The Building Fund"account was established. The purpose built house and fit out was the result of massive fund raising efforts, donations and successful grant applications from:

The Premises were officially opened on 21 October 2010.